Friday, October 24, 2008

My Fellow Parents

Do you ever feel like this little fish? I know I do. It’s why I chose this specific picture.

Even in my house phrases like, “Because I said so,” and “I don’t care what so-in-so’s parents let them do…” are frequently expelled from my mouth. Although I know I’m not alone, as a parent, I get lonely. At times, we are limited in our view, can’t see the big picture, feel like we’re swimming against the flow, and forget we’re not alone. (Like the use of clichés?) But, life isn’t a cliché, a TV sitcom, a circle, or virtual… However, it is filled with great joys, heartbreaking pain, senselessness, and periods of the mundane. It’s Life and it’s Real, and quite honestly blazing fast. Do I really need to remind you? I seriously doubt it.

So. We’re all in this together, and we need each other now more than ever. (I can’t seem to shake the use of clichés. Solomon did say there isn’t anything new under the sun.) (I love parentheses and “quotation” marks “by the way”.)

So, so—let’s Unite. Untie ourselves from ourselves and tether together.

I hope you will enjoy my ramblings as I share my journey with you.

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Vanessa Vichit-Vadakan said...

now you are one of us! it's about time you graced the world with your writing. i'm really looking forward to seeing what you put out. looking good so far!

Jennifer Isa Workinprogress said...

Scott, I am really looking forward to more of your posts because you seem to be all about putting positive energy out into the world, and this is what we need ("What the world, needs now, is love, sweet love"). Threw in the parentheses and quotation marks for you! Seriously, thank you for what you are doing.